Monday, May 30, 2011

The 9 month update

I've been horrible about blogging here.  Actually what happened was more like I wasn't exactly keeping up because I was busy, then I got very sick and have been fighting physical and mental illness since.  I made a ton of stuff for my niece's Christmas then didn't remember to take pictures when it was done.  So some of these things are actually very used items that I finally got a chance to take pictures of now; they didn't start out with so much wear and tear, I promise.

Let's see......

(Each new addition is a separate post because of my lack of desire to fight with Blogger).  I've made other things:  2 baby buntings, a very soft blanket, some appliqued onesies, a lot more bibs, a baby hat that almost killed me because it was hard to make, and a bunch of flannel pajamas for Christmas gifts.  Since I had to stop sewing when I got sick that's probably the end of the list even though I have cut various things out and not finished them.  I'm feeling better now and am about to take on easy projects to get back into things.  I NEED this release of stress.  I've cried more about losing my ability to handle sewing than I have about my entire whooping cough/asthma/chemical sensitivities/allergies/who-the-heck knows what else.  That's probably partly denial as facing how serious the breathing issues are is proving more than I can to attempt, but mostly I worked so hard for so long to be able to do something I loved and losing that hard hurt more than I can describe.

Anyway, I'm back.  Hopefully from here on out I'll be less stressed and more able to post pictures as that's good for me too.

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